Community accounts
Safe savings - for small organisations
Our Community Account is an easy access deposit account for organisations. The account offers easy ways for clubs, societies, charities, social enterprises and small organisations to pay in funds received from their members, supporters or customers, or to pay their suppliers. Just maintain a minimum of £1 in your account and you will receive a wide range of benefits, in addition to supporting your local, ethical financial co-operative.
No monthly fee
Online access to your balance
Instant Access to your funds
Annual Dividend - paid annually in November (2023, 0.50%)
Deposit by cash, cheque, standing order, bank transfer or transfers from other members
Withdraw cash by arrangement from a branch or request a bank transfer
How to apply
How to apply:
Step 1: Download and print the application form (or collect in branch)
Step 2: Provide verification of your organisation and two or three acceptable items of identification for up to 4 signatories
Frequently asked questions
Who can open a Community Account?
Organisations based in or operating within our common bond area. This includes clubs, societies, charities, and small organisations. Account holders are known as Community Members of the Credit Union, with a £1 share and voting rights at Members' Meetings.
How can we join?
Simply complete the membership application form, provide verification of your organisation and at least two proofs of ID for up to four signatories. Membership will commence from the date of the first deposit.
Are there any fees on the account?
There is an initial £1 administration fee to pay which is non-refundable.
Is there a maximum savings balance?
At present, £85,000 in total savings.
Is there a minimum amount we must have in the account?
You must maintain a minimum balance of £1 in this account to retain membership.
How can we deposit savings?
- by cash, card or cheque* at a branch
- by standing order or direct transfer from a bank account
* If deposits are made by cheque, no withdrawal may be made against them until the funds have been cleared in the Credit Union’s bank account which usually takes 10 working days.
Can we deposit bags of change into the account?
Yes. All change must be bagged correctly as mixed change cannot be accepted.
How can we withdraw money?
Applications for withdrawals must be made by completing a withdrawal form and posted, scan/emailed or brought to a branch. They will be processed, provided they contain the required number of signatures matching those currently on our records.
Withdrawals can be made by:
- Bank transfer
- Cash (At pop-up branches by special request). For larger amounts or at other branches, please give 7 days’ advance notice.
How many signatories do we need?
A minimum of two and a maximum of four signatories are required to act on behalf of your organisation.
How do we change signatories?
A letter must be signed by the current registered signatories for the change to be made. If any signatures are unobtainable, please provide a letter of resignation or a signed copy of the minutes of the meeting where the individual’s removal was confirmed. If a signatory dies, a death certificate would be required.
What interest or dividend is paid?
We pay a yearly dividend on your account. The dividend rate is determined by the Board of Directors and ratified by the members in Annual General Meeting (AGM). The dividend is applied in November.
Can we open two Community Accounts?
An organisation may only hold one Community Account.
How do we close the account?
To close the account any balance must be withdrawn by completing a withdrawal form, signed appropriately and also indicating that the account is to be closed.